Sunday, August 30, 2009

Windows shortcut

Run Commands:

compmgmt.msc - Computer management
devmgmt.msc - Device manager
diskmgmt.msc - Disk management
dfrg.msc - Disk defrag
eventvwr.msc - Event viewer
fsmgmt.msc - Shared folders
gpedit.msc - Group policies
lusrmgr.msc - Local users and groups
perfmon.msc - Performance monitor
rsop.msc - Resultant set of policies
secpol.msc - Local security settings
services.msc - Various Services
msconfig - System Configuration Utility
regedit - Registry Editor
msinfo32 _ System Information
sysedit _ System Edit
win.ini _ windows loading information(also system.ini)
winver _ Shows current version of windows
mailto: _ Opens default email client
command _ Opens command prompt

Run Commands to access the control panel:

Add/Remove Programs control appwiz.cpl
Date/Time Properties control timedate.cpl
Display Properties control desk.cpl
FindFast control findfast.cpl
Fonts Folder control fonts
Internet Properties control inetcpl.cpl
Keyboard Properties control main.cpl keyboard
Mouse Properties control main.cpl
Multimedia Properties control mmsys.cpl
Network Properties control netcpl.cpl
Password Properties control password.cpl
Printers Folder control printers
Sound Properties control mmsys.cpl sounds
System Properties control sysdm.cpl

Command Prompt:

ANSI.SYS Defines functions that change display graphics, control cursor movement, and reassign keys.
APPEND Causes MS-DOS to look in other directories when editing a file or running a command.
ARP Displays, adds, and removes arp information from network devices.
ASSIGN Assign a drive letter to an alternate letter.
ASSOC View the file associations.
AT Schedule a time to execute commands or programs.
ATMADM Lists connections and addresses seen by Windows ATM call manager.
ATTRIB Display and change file attributes.
BATCH Recovery console command that executes a series of commands in a file.
BOOTCFG Recovery console command that allows a user to view, modify, and rebuild the boot.ini
BREAK Enable / disable CTRL + C feature.
CACLS View and modify file ACL's.
CALL Calls a batch file from another batch file.
CD Changes directories.
CHCP Supplement the International keyboard and character set information.
CHDIR Changes directories.
CHKDSK Check the hard disk drive running FAT for errors.
CHKNTFS Check the hard disk drive running NTFS for errors.
CHOICE Specify a listing of multiple options within a batch file.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Opens the command interpreter.
COLOR Easily change the foreground and background color of the MS-DOS window.
COMP Compares files.
COMPACT Compresses and uncompress files.
CONTROL Open control panel icons from the MS-DOS prompt.
COPY Copy one or more files to an alternate location.
CTTY Change the computers input/output devices.
DATE View or change the systems date.
DEBUG Debug utility to create assembly programs to modify hardware settings.
DEFRAG Re-arrange the hard disk drive to help with loading programs.
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DELETE Recovery console command that deletes a file.
DELTREE Deletes one or more files and/or directories.
DIR List the contents of one or more directory.
DISABLE Recovery console command that disables Windows system services or drivers.
DISKCOMP Compare a disk with another disk.
DISKCOPY Copy the contents of one disk and place them on another disk.
DOSKEY Command to view and execute commands that have been run in the past.
DOSSHELL A GUI to help with early MS-DOS users.
DRIVPARM Enables overwrite of original device drivers.
ECHO Displays messages and enables and disables echo.
EDIT View and edit files.
EDLIN View and edit files.
EMM386 Load extended Memory Manager.
ENABLE Recovery console command to enable a disable service or driver.
ENDLOCAL Stops the localization of the environment changes enabled by the setlocal command.
ERASE Erase files from computer.
EXIT Exit from the command interpreter.
EXPAND Expand a M*cros*ft Windows file back to it's original format.
EXTRACT Extract files from the M*cros*ft Windows cabinets.
FASTHELP Displays a listing of MS-DOS commands and information about them.
FC Compare files.
FDISK Utility used to create partitions on the hard disk drive.
FIND Search for text within a file.
FINDSTR Searches for a string of text within a file.
FIXBOOT Writes a new boot sector.
FIXMBR Writes a new boot record to a disk drive.
FOR Boolean used in batch files.
FORMAT Command to erase and prepare a disk drive.
FTP Command to connect and operate on a FTP server.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO Moves a batch file to a specific label or location.
GRAFTABL Show extended characters in graphics mode.
HELP Display a listing of commands and brief explanation.
IF Allows for batch files to perform conditional processing.
IFSHLP.SYS 32-bit file manager.
IPCONFIG Network command to view network adapter settings and assigned values.
KEYB Change layout of keyboard.
LABEL Change the label of a disk drive.
LH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LISTSVC Recovery console command that displays the services and drivers.
LOADFIX Load a program above the first 64k.
LOADHIGH Load a device driver in to high memory.
LOCK Lock the hard disk drive.
LOGON Recovery console command to list installations and enable administrator login.
MAP Displays the device name of a drive.
MD Command to create a new directory.
MEM Display memory on system.
MKDIR Command to create a new directory.
MODE Modify the port or display settings.
MORE Display one page at a time.
MOVE Move one or more files from one directory to another directory.
MSAV Early M*cros*ft Virus scanner.
MSD Diagnostics utility.
MSCDEX Utility used to load and provide access to the CD-ROM.
NBTSTAT Displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP connections using NBT
NET Update, fix, or view the network or network settings
NETSH Configure dynamic and static network information from MS-DOS.
NETSTAT Display the TCP/IP network protocol statistics and information.
NLSFUNC Load country specific information.
NSLOOKUP Look up an IP address of a domain or host on a network.
PATH View and modify the computers path location.
PATHPING View and locate locations of network latency.
PAUSE Command used in batch files to stop the processing of a command.
PING Test / send information to another network computer or network device.
POPD Changes to the directory or network path stored by the pushd command.
POWER Conserve power with computer portables.
PRINT Prints data to a printer port.
PROMPT View and change the MS-DOS prompt.
PUSHD Stores a directory or network path in memory so it can be returned to at any time.
QBASIC Open the QBasic.
RD Removes an empty directory.
REN Renames a file or directory.
RENAME Renames a file or directory.
RMDIR Removes an empty directory.
ROUTE View and configure windows network route tables.
RUNAS Enables a user to execute a program on another computer.
SCANDISK Run the scandisk utility.
SCANREG Scan registry and recover registry from errors.
SET Change one variable or string to another.
SETLOCAL Enables local environments to be changed without affecting anything else.
SETVER Change MS-DOS version to trick older MS-DOS programs.
SHARE Installs support for file sharing and locking capabilities.
SHIFT Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch program.
SHUTDOWN Shutdown the computer from the MS-DOS prompt.
SMARTDRV Create a disk cache in conventional memory or extended memory.
SORT Sorts the input and displays the output to the screen.
START Start a separate window in Windows from the MS-DOS prompt.
SUBST Substitute a folder on your computer for another drive letter.
SWITCHES Remove add functions from MS-DOS.
SYS Transfer system files to disk drive.
TELNET Telnet to another computer / device from the prompt.
TIME View or modify the system time.
TITLE Change the title of their MS-DOS window.
TRACERT Visually view a network packets route across a network.
TREE View a visual tree of the hard disk drive.
TYPE Display the contents of a file.
UNDELETE Undelete a file that has been deleted.
UNFORMAT Unformat a hard disk drive.
UNLOCK Unlock a disk drive.
VER Display the version information.
VERIFY Enables or disables the feature to determine if files have been written properly.
VOL Displays the volume information about the designated drive.
XCOPY Copy multiple files, directories, and/or drives from one location to another.
TRUENAME When placed before a file, will display the whole directory in which it exists
TASKKILL It allows you to kill those unneeded or locked up applications

Windows XP Shortcuts:

ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected item
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they were opened
ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window
ALT+TAB Switch between open items
ALT+Underlined letter Display the corresponding menu
BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
CTRL+A Select all
CTRL+I Italics
CTRL+O Open an item
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+F4 Close the active document
CTRL while dragging Copy selected item
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging Create shortcut to selected iteM
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
ESC Cancel the current task
F1 Displays Help
F2 Rename selected item
F3 Search for a file or folder
F4 Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the active window
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
SHIFT+CTRL+ESC Launches Task Manager
SHIFT when you insert a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing
WIN Display or hide the Start menu
WIN+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
WIN+D Minimizes all Windows and shows the Desktop
WIN+E Open Windows Explorer
WIN+F Search for a file or folder
WIN+F+CTRL Search for computers
WIN+L Locks the desktop
WIN+M Minimize or restore all windows
WIN+R Open the Run dialog box
WIN+TAB Switch between open items

Windows Explorer Shortcuts:

ALT+SPACEBAR - Display the current window’s system menu
SHIFT+F10 - Display the item's context menu
CTRL+ESC - Display the Start menu
ALT+TAB - Switch to the window you last used
ALT+F4 - Close the current window or quit
CTRL+A - Select all items
CTRL+X - Cut selected item(s)
CTRL+C - Copy selected item(s)
CTRL+V - Paste item(s)
CTRL+Z - Undo last action
CTRL+(+) - Automatically resize the columns in the right hand pane
TAB - Move forward through options
ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Move forward to a previous view
ALT+LEFT ARROW - Move backward to a previous view
SHIFT+DELETE - Delete an item immediately
BACKSPACE - View the folder one level up
ALT+ENTER - View an item’s properties
F10 - Activate the menu bar in programs
F6 - Switch between left and right panes
F5 - Refresh window contents
F3 - Display Find application
F2 - Rename selected item

Internet Explorer Shortcuts:

CTRL+A - Select all items on the current page
CTRL+D - Add the current page to your Favorites
CTRL+E - Open the Search bar
CTRL+F - Find on this page
CTRL+H - Open the History bar
CTRL+I - Open the Favorites bar
CTRL+N - Open a new window
CTRL+O - Go to a new location
CTRL+P - Print the current page or active frame
CTRL+S - Save the current page
CTRL+W - Close current browser window
CTRL+ENTER - Adds the http://www. (url) .com
SHIFT+CLICK - Open link in new window
BACKSPACE - Go to the previous page
ALT+HOME - Go to your Home page
HOME - Move to the beginning of a document
TAB - Move forward through items on a page
END - Move to the end of a document
ESC - Stop downloading a page
F11 - Toggle full-screen view
F5 - Refresh the current page
F4 - Display list of typed addresses
F6 - Change Address bar and page focus
ALT+RIGHT ARROW - Go to the next page
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB - Move back between frames
SHIFT+F10 - Display a shortcut menu for a link
SHIFT+TAB - Move back through the items on a page
CTRL+TAB - Move forward between frames
CTRL+C - Copy selected items to the clipboard
CTRL+V - Insert contents of the clipboard
ENTER - Activate a selected link
HOME - Move to the beginning of a document
END - Move to the end of a document
F1 - Display Internet Explorer Help

Rename recycle bin

1. Start, Run, 'Regedit'.
2. Press 'Ctrl'+'F' to open find box and type 'Recycle Bin' to search.
3. Change any value data with 'Recycle Bin' to whatever name you want to give it ( ie, like 'Trash Can' or 'Dump' etc).
4. Press F3 to continue searching for 'Recycle Bin' and change wherever you come across 'Recycle Bin' to new its new name.
5. Repeat step 4 until you have finished with searching and changed all values to its new name.
6. Close regedit and hit F5 on desktop to see the new name on screen.

Note: As a good practice, always backup your registry before changing anything although changing 'Recycle Bin' name is a simple tweak and doesnt affect anything else.

Download songs free

Are you scared that the RIAA is about to track you down for illegally downloading songs.
Well, here is a method of obtaining many songs absolutely free that is virtually untrackable
by modern technology. This has to do with capturing streaming audio, which in many cases, believe it or not
are plain old mp3s just waiting for you to "download." I have found most of the current top-40 as well as many others you may like, so keep searching. The music is waiting for you to find it.

Step 1:
First of all, you need to find a good site that hosts streaming audio. My favorite that has brought me many songs to date is hxxp:// . Some others are just as good, but this is the site that I will be referencing (plus, I know you guys love to steal from Microsoft).

Step 2:
Alright, go up to the left hand corner where there is an empty text box. This is the search box, just fill it with a songname or artist just like you would in kazaa and click search. This will bring up a page with links to many websites hosting a stream by that artist. The ones with music notes are just, this is what you want. In many cases, this is all you need. Just right click on one of the links and click "save as" to save the song. This works if the file extension is .mp3 or .wma or .asf or well-other known formats. If this worked, you are finished, otherwise continue reading.

Step 3:
However, if you encounter a .asx file, there are a few more steps you will have to endure. First of all, do exactly like the above example and save the file locally. After the file is downloaded, check to see how large the file is. If it is a large file in the megabyte range, then you should be able to play it in your favorite music program. However, if it is less than 1 kilobyte, open it as a textfile. You will then see many script commands that communicate to windows media player. Don't worry about these, just look for some URLs which will most likely be pointing to a .asf file. It will have at least one if not more. Open the new found URL in your browser and save it like in step 2 and you should be good to go. (I use Mozilla, because Internet Explorer likes to open things rather than save them as I tell it)

NOTE: If any of the URLs are preceded with "mms://" instead of "http://" find another URL, because this technique will not work.

This technique is especially useful to avoid prosecution because streaming audio, and downloading it appear the same to a web server, therefore you are seen as just another "legal" listener, so "download" away my friend and don't blame me if this soon becomes illegal (if it isn't already).

Step 4:
If you are picky then search for a program that will convert these file types to mp3s. I assure you there are many sites out there.

If this technique does not work for some reason, there is another technique which is manually recording streaming audio, with an audio capture program. I use the one that came with my soundcard (Audigy 2ZS, great soundcard), but I would recommend it only as a last resort such as with "mms://" files. There is a degredation in quality compared to the other formats and it records every sound your PC makes while it is recording so don't chat on AIM while recording (lol I can hear random doors slamming now).

Change text on xp start button

Step 1 - Modify Explorer.exe File

In order to make the changes, the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows needs to be edited. Since explorer.exe is a binary file it requires a special editor. For purposes of this article I have used Resource Hacker. Resource HackerTM is a freeware utility to view, modify, rename, add, delete and extract resources in 32bit Windows executables and resource files (*.res). It incorporates an internal resource script compiler and decompiler and works on Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems.

get this from h**p://

The first step is to make a backup copy of the file explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer. Place it in a folder somewhere on your hard drive where it will be safe. Start Resource Hacker and open explorer.exe located at C:\Windows\explorer.exe.

The category we are going to be using is "String Table". Expand it by clicking the plus sign then navigate down to and expand string 37 followed by highlighting 1033. If you are using the Classic Layout rather than the XP Layout, use number 38. The right hand pane will display the stringtable. We’re going to modify item 578, currently showing the word “start” just as it displays on the current Start button.

There is no magic here. Just double click on the word “start” so that it’s highlighted, making sure the quotation marks are not part of the highlight. They need to remain in place, surrounding the new text that you’ll type. Go ahead and type your new entry. In my case I used Click Me!

You’ll notice that after the new text string has been entered the Compile Script button that was grayed out is now active. I won’t get into what’s involved in compiling a script, but suffice it to say it’s going to make this exercise worthwhile. Click Compile Script and then save the altered file using the Save As command on the File Menu. Do not use the Save command – Make sure to use the Save As command and choose a name for the file. Save the newly named file to C:\Windows.

Step 2 – Modify the Registry

!!!make a backup of your registry before making changes!!!

Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created it’s necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you don’t know how to access the registry I’m not sure this article is for you, but just in case it’s a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open field. Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon

In the right pane, double click the "Shell" entry to open the Edit String dialog box. In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.

Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if that’s your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.[/b]

Burn .bin file without .cue file

To burn a bin file, you will need an appropriate cue file.

You do exactly the same as for iso files, but when you click on “burn image,” you don’t browse to the bin itself, but instead to the cue file, and you open that one.
When the writer starts to burn, it will automatically search for the bin file and start burning it. In fact, the cue file tells the burning program where it can find the bin file that is attached to it. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you use the right cue file when you burn a bin. i.e both cue and bin files that are attached to each other must be located in the same folder, and every bin file has it’s own cue file.

Normally, when you download a bin file, you can download the appropriate cue file as well. If you do not have the cue file (or feel bold) you can make the cue file yourself, which is really easy to do:

a. Open notepad

b. Copy the folowing text into notepad:

TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

Where nameofimage.bin is the name of the bin file you want ot burn.

c. The rest is easy: just save the notepad text with the name of the bin, but with the cue extension.

d. The file should be saved in the same folder as its appropriate bin file and should be something like myfile.cue

Or you can use Alcohol 120% to burn directly from the bin file

No text icons

No Text Icons

If you would like your desktop Icons to have no text underneath then try this tweak:

Right click the icon and select "Rename"

Now hold the "Alt" key and type "255" and hit Enter

NOTE : It may only work with the keypad numbers and not the number keys on top of the keyboard.

Make your pc faster

1. First, run a scandisk or checkdisk. Let Windows fix any errors.

2. Run a disk cleanup utility...this will flush your temporary internet folder, trash can, temp system files, etc.

3. Delete any garbage files or data...if possible, run a Duplicate File Finder program.

4. Run Defrag on all partitions (NOTE: run this after you have deleted all trash and excess files!)

5. Run a registry cleaner utility and delete or get rid of any orphaned entries in that registry.

6. Check your exisiting swap file for it's size and location (*will explain location later in the post). If you have alot of ram (i.e. 1 gig and over) set this swap file to something small, like 250 mb. The reason is that this will force Windows to load more into memory, resulting in faster performance (note: some games and applications actually require a certain sized swap file so check your applications performance after making a size adjustment for any error messages.)

7. Under XP, you can tell Windows to use Classic Style on your desktop, - this will remove the neat single click and internet-style desktop but for lower end systems this will improve performance in other areas, such as gaming and multi-tasking.

8. Run msconfig and under startup and only keep the programs that are essential to load in the tray icon (and hence stay resident in memory). Uncheck anything else non-essential, like an ATI or Nvidia control panel, Quicktime utility, Real Audio, etc.

9. Upgrade drivers! Check for the latest BIOS, video, motherboard, sound, etc drivers from the manufacturers. Alot of my friends had chipsets on their motherboard that had advanced disk management capabilities or AGP port settings but the drivers weren't loaded for them so they were never being used. A simple upgrade realized a noticeable difference. For instance, they didn't have the latest driver for their AGP port so it was set to 1x, instead of being used at 4x!

10. (OK, so this won't speed up your PC but it could save you alot of time and trouble later on!) After making all these improvements, make a working backup! I use Ghost, but for XP users you can also use System Restore...


1. Take a look under the hood (for IDE owners). How are your IDE devices configured? If you have more than 1 hard drive, put the master hard drive on the primary IDE channel and the secondary hard drive on the secondary IDE channel (most motherboards have two IDE channels).

2. Place all CDROM drives, DVD readers etc. on the secondary IDE channel (or SCSI bus, etc). This will reduce I/O contention with your master hard drive which should have your OS and apps installed...

3. Remember when I mentioned the location of the swap file? OK, if you have 2 hard drives and you have one on the primary IDE channel and the other on the secondary IDE channel, move the swap file to a partition ON THE SECOND hard drive (on the secondary IDE channel). This will greatly improve system performance as the PC can write to the swap file while loading and running OS and system commands without I/O contention on the primary IDE channel!

4. Take a look under the hood (for SCSI owners) What kind of SCSI do you have? If it's the newer Ultra 160/320 etc cards then guess what? Any devices placed on the same bus will automatically default to the slowest drive on the chain...this means that if you have say, an Ultra 160 SCSI card, and it has an Ultra 160 drive (capable of transferring 160 mb/sec) on the same chain as a SCSI cdrom drive (capable of only 40 mb/sec) then the whole bus slows down to the 40 mb/sec speed...use different chains for the slower devices and maximize those hard drives!

5. Run a utility like WCPUID and check the your CPU/front speed bus/AGP port running as fast as they should be? If not, check your drivers and BIOS configuration options. Also, are all of your chipset features enabled? If not, then enable them! (usually done in your BIOS!)

6. Dig in to the BIOS...check settings like boot order, for it checking the floppy first? Change this! Select your order to reflect the hard drive first, then CD, then floppy for a noticeable boot time improvement. Also disable any non-used on board peripherals...for instance, - does your motherboard come with an on-board NIC card? Guess what, if you don't use that NIC card and it is enabled it will eat up valuable CPU cycles and can be detrimental to your systems' performance. DISABLE THAT MUTHA! Also, see if you can play with memory timing and CPU clock frequencies (NOTE! This is for expert users only!) Set these timings to "Aggressive" and see what happens in your games and apps...Also, check to see what your video aperature is set to. If you have a video card with 128 megs of on-baord memory, your aperature should be set to this amount too. Read the BIOS owner manual for further non-general performance tricks or improvements! Do you have the latest BIOS firmware version?

7. Under hardware properties, check to see that everything is working properly, and fix any hardware contention issues. You'll see the dreaded yellow exclamation point (!) beside any hardware componenet that is not working correctly.

8. Evaluate the potential for system/hardware upgrades...usually, the best bang for the buck is adding memory so buy all that you can afford (don't go much above 512 megs for Win 98 or ME). If you have a motherboard with an 8x - capable AGP port but you are using an older 4x video card, consider upgrading to an 8x card. You get the idea here...

9. Quit using software pigs like Norton system utilities, etc. These place files everywhere and can be a real system resource hog on lower end PCs.

10. Did I mention to make a good backup? Do it now! Also, while you're at it, run a good virus program with the latest definitions.

There are more options to make your system faster, such as overclocking, etc. but (just about) everything I've mentioned in this tech post costs you nothing and will result in faster system performance! Good luck and if you have any questions on how to do anything mentioned here, ask a knowledgeable friend or consult a book, - don't mess up something trying to do something you are not sure of!

Keyboard Shortcuts of Microsoft Word

Keyboard Shortcuts, Microsoft Word

Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Microsoft Word

CTRL and A Selects all in the current document.
CTRL and B Bold text.
CTRL and C Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.
CTRL and D Displays the Font dialogue box.
CTRL and E Centre Alignment.
CTRL and F Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current document.
CTRL and G Displays the Go to dialog box, to go to a specific location in the current document.
CTRL and H Displays the Replace dialogue box.
CTRL and I Italic text.
CTRL and J Full Justification.
CTRL and K Create Hyperlink
CTRL and L Left Alignment
CTRL and M Tab
CTRL and N Creates a new document.
CTRL and O Displays the Open File dialogue box.
CTRL and P Displays the Print dialog box.
CTRL and R Right Alignment.
CTRL and S Displays the Save dialog box.
CTRL and U Underline text
CTRL and V Pastes the copied item or text from the Clipboard into the current position in the document.
CTRL and X Cuts the item or text selected to the Clipboard.
CTRL and Y Redo the last undone action.
CTRL and Z Undoes the last action.
CTRL and ENTER Insert Page Break.
CTRL and F2 Show Print preview.
CTRL and F4 Closes the active document window.
CTRL and F6 Opens the next document window.

Keyboard Shortcuts Result in Microsoft Word
F1 key Get help or use the Office assistant.
SHIFT and F1 Key Context sensitive help.
F2 Key Move text or image.
SHIFT and F2 Key Copy Text.
F3 Key Insert an autotext entry.
SHIFT and F3 Key Change the case of the selected text.
F4 Key Perform last action again.
SHIFT and F4 Key Perform a Find or Go to action again.
F5 Key Displays the Go to dialogue box, from here you can also Find and Replace.
SHIFT and F5 Key Move to a previous revision.
F6 Key Go to the next frame or pane.
SHIFT and F6 Key Go to the previous frame or pane.
F7 Key Launch the Spell checker.
SHIFT and F7 Key Launch the Thesaurus.
F8 Key Extend the current selection.
SHIFT and F8 Key Shrink the current selection.
F9 Key Update the selected fields.
SHIFT and F9 Key Switch between a field code and it's result.
F10 Key Activate the menu bar.
SHIFT and F10 Key Display a Shortcut Menu. Same as right clicking.
F11 Key Go to the next field.
SHIFT and F11 Key Go to the previous field.
F12 Key Save file As, equivalent to tools menu.
SHIFT and F12 Key Save document, equivalent to tools menu

Install Xp From Dos

Install Xp From Dos

If XP will not install from the CD or if you have a new drive with no operating system on
it yet try these:

Install Windows XP from the hard drive with Windows 98 already installed:

Boot Windows 98
Insert the XP CD into your CD reader
Explore Windows XP through My Computer
Copy i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder and double click on winnt32.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive

Install Windows XP from DOS (ie. no OS on a new hard drive):

Boot with a Windows 98 Start Up disk
Insert the Windows 98 CD into the CD reader
Run smartdrv.exe from the Win98 directory on the windows 98 CD (file caching)
Type cd.. to back up to the root directory
Insert Windows XP CD into the CD reader
Copy the i386 folder to C:\
Go into C:\i386 folder on C: and type winnt.exe to launch the setup from the hard drive.

How To Stop Spam

How To Stop Spam

Change Mcft to microsoft

Below you'll find many ways (sorted in the most successful ratio first) to stop the Windows Messenger service, depending on your system environment, some may require more than one process. This service is available only on NT, 2K, XP & Server 2003. Administrator Login is REQUIRED

About The Messenger Service

* Messenger is a Windows Service that runs in the background
* Messenger is not the same as MSN Messenger or any other Instant Messaging Program
* Messenger does not facilitate two-way chatting
* Many Windows Programs, Firewalls, UPS and Antiviruses require the Messenger Service
* Antivirus and UPS software, among others, may not work if Messenger is disabled
* The Messenger Service is usually turned on by default in most Windows NT, 2K and XP systems

1. Manually

1. Example 1

1. Click Start, Run and enter the following command:
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove
NOTE: This will prevent a long delay when opening Outlook Express if you have the Contacts pane enabled
2. To prevent this, click Start, Run and enter {REGEDIT} Go to:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Mcft\Outlook Express
3. Right click in the right pane and select New, Dword value
4. Give it the name Hide Messenger Double click this new entry and set the value to 2
5. End result should look EXACTLY like this:
System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mcft\Outlook Express]
Value Name: Hide Messenger
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (2 = remove messenger)

2. Example 2

1. Copy and paste the following to Run Command Bar in the Start Menu:
RunDll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection

3. Example 3

1. If Example 5 didn't work, then try this - Many users miss or don't know of it
2. Click on Start then go to RUN and type:
3. Change:
4. To:
5. Then use Add/Remove Windows Components to remove Messenger
NOTE: You can also prevent access to Windows Messenger using Group Policy or the Set Program Access and Defaults utility added by default in Windows XP SP1 and Windows 2000 SP3

4. Example 4

1. Open Windows Messenger
2. From the menu, select "Tools" then "Options" then "Preferences" tab
3. Uncheck "Run this program when Windows starts"
4. Open Outlook Express
5. From the menu, select "Tools" then "Options" then "General" tab
6. Uncheck the option to "Automatically log on", if it's there
7. Also in Outlook Express, select "View" then "Layout"
8. Uncheck the option to "display Contacts" - The program will open a connection and display a list of all Contacts on line if you do not
9. In "Startup Folder" make sure there is no entry there for Messenger
10. Open Norton Anti-Virus if you have it installed
11. Click "Options" then "Instant Messenger"
12. Unckeck "Windows Messenger (recommended"
NOTE: This list ought to work in disassociate MSN from Outlook Express, so that it'll only start up if you really want it to

5. Example 5

1. 2000

* Click Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties
* Click the STOP button
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

2. XP Home

* Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel
* Click Performance and Maintenance
* Click Administrative Tools
* Double click Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties
* Click the STOP button
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

3. XP Professional

* Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel
* Click Administrative Tools
* Click Services
* Double click Services
* Scroll down and highlight "Messenger"
* Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties.
* Click the STOP button.
* Select Disable in the Startup Type scroll bar
* Click OK

4. Windows NT

* Click Start ->Control Panel
* Double Click Administrative Tools
* Select Services-> Double-click on Messenger
* In the Messenger Properties window, select Stop
* Then choose Disable as the Startup Type
* Click OK
NOTE: If you stop the service and don’t adjust the startup type, the Messenger service will start automatically the next time you reboot. Keep in mind that when you disable the Messenger service, you'll no longer receive messages about an attached UPS, and you won’t be notified of print job completion, performance alerts, or antivirus activity (from Windows) not the program you're using for those purposes.

6. Example 6

1. To disable receipt of messenger pop-ups, verify that your firewall disables inbound traffic on UDP ports 135, 137, and 138, and TCP ports 135 and 139. On a system connected directly to the Internet, you should also disable inbound traffic on TCP port 445. If the system you want to protect is part of a Win2K-based network with Active Directory (AD), don't block incoming traffic on port 445 - Mcft Knowledge Base Article - 330904

NOTE: You can use the firewall approach only if your system doesn't communicate with legacy systems that rely on NetBIOS name resolution to locate machines and shared resources. If, for example, you let users running Windows 9x share your printer or scanner, when you disable inbound NetBIOS traffic, users won't be able to connect to these shared resources. Regardless of the method you choose, you can stop messenger spam

2. Program

1. Example 1

NOTE: On Oct 15, 2003, Mcft releases Critical Security Bulletin MS03-043 warning users that the Windows Messenger Service running and exposed by default in all versions of Windows NT, 2000 and XP, contains a "Remote Code Execution" vulnerability that allows any not otherwise secured and protected Windows machine to be taken over and remotely compromised over the Internet
1. Shoot the Messenger

2. Example 2

1. Messenger Disable

NOTE: If you choose to uninstall Windows Messenger on a system with SP1 installed, you will receive an error message about "un-registering" an OCX file. This is normal, and doest not affect the removal process. Windows Messenger will still be removed


1. Example 1

1. Right-click "My Computer"
2. Select "Manage"
3. Under "System Tools" right-click on "Shared Folders"
4. Choose "All Tasks" and select "Send Console Message..."
5. If you recieve the following error message then the service has been disabled, otherwise confirm that you have disabled it or try another example
"The following error occured while reading the list of sessions from Windows clients:
Error 2114: The Server service is not started."

2. Example 2

1. Click Start then "Run"
2. Type in {cmd.exe}
3. Type in net send hi
4. If you get a popup "hi" message, then confirm that you have disabled it or try another example


1. If you insist on keeping Windows Messenger, then I'd recommend Messenger Manager - "Allows you to keep your messenger service running, as is intended and needed by Windows. This ensures that vital system errors and notifications may be sent informing you of Important System Events"

2. However, as a replacement to Windows Messenger remote control feature, I'd recommend this free tool Virtual Network Computing - "It is a remote control software which allows you to view and interact with one computer (the "server") using a simple program (the "viewer") on another computer anywhere on the Internet. The two computers don't even have to be the same type, so for example you can use VNC to view an office Linux machine on your Windows PC at home"

No matter how good your systems may be, they're only as effective as what you put into them.

How to save window updates

Go to the Windows Update web site.
In the left pane, under Other Options, select “Personalize Windows Update”.
Under “Set Options for Windows Update”, select the checkbox for “Display the Link to Windows Update Catalog under ‘See Also’”, then click “Save Settings”.
Go back to the Windows Update web site.
In the left pane, under “See Also”, select “Windows Update Catalog”.
Select “Find Updates for Microsoft Operating Systems”.
Select the operating system and language of your choice.
Select “Critical Updates and Service Packs”.
Select all of the patches you’d like to download, then click on “Go to download basket” to download them.

How to Rename File Extensions

How to Rename File Extensions

A lot of people here may ask how to rename a file extension in windows; well it’s very simple and takes little of your time. There are two ways to rename a file extension ‘without’ a stupid program.

Number 1, Folder Options:

Go into your Control Panel, in my case I use Windows XP so I would press [Start then Control Panel]. Now that you figured out how to get in Control Panel open “Folder Options” and click the view tab and make sure ‘Hide file extensions for know files’ is not selected, then press Ok.

Now go into a folder and notice you can see your files extensions, rename them to whatever you'd like, for instance:

Dildos.exe to Dildos.Anonymous / Etc,Etc,Etc

Number 2, MS-DOS:

The difference between renaming files in DOS is that you can rename multiple files rather then one at a time, therefore making time gracious. Here I’ll provide you a few examples.

Go to your start menu and open run, then type “cmd” without parenthesis. Ok you’re in MS-DOS right? Geesh common man I know a 5 year old that can do it. Ok good your in? Excellent… Ok now find out which directory has your files and type:


cd C:\Files\

In your case “C:\Files\” may not exist, so type in the directory that your have you files in. If everything goes will dos will look kinda like this:

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

C:\Documents and Settings\User>cd C:\Files\

If all fails, you perhaps didn’t type in the correct folder/name and it will look like this:

C:\Documents and Settings\User> >cd C:\Filse\
The system cannot find the path specified.

Did you get in the directory yet????? If not I recommend you stick with the first step and hang yourself. Oh your in? OK COOL, type: dir and you will be provided with what files are in your folder, including their extensions. In my case:

Volume in drive C has no dildo.
Volume Serial Number is CXXX-XXXX

Directory of C:\Files

02/01/2005 07:22 PM .
02/01/2005 07:22 PM ..
01/31/2005 06:40 PM 14,336 stf.bmp
01/31/2005 06:40 PM 14,336 stf02.bmp
2 File(s) 28,672 bytes
2 Dir(s) 39,024,766,976 bytes free


Did you notice how I had two files named stf. Since both of these files have the same extension, *.bmp they can be renamed all together. If there are other files in there witht he same extension and you don't want to rename them, move them to another folder and / or directory.

Last but not least, after listening to my horrific grammar type:

C:\Files>ren *.bmp *.rar

And your results are:

Volume in drive C has no penis.
Volume Serial Number is CXXX-XXXX

Directory of C:\Files

02/01/2005 07:37 PM .
02/01/2005 07:37 PM ..
01/31/2005 06:40 PM 14,336 stf.rar
01/31/2005 06:40 PM 14,336 stf02.rar
2 File(s) 28,672 bytes
2 Dir(s) 39,024,676,864 bytes free


How To Make Your Own Radio Station

How To Make Your Own Radio Station

Must HAVE Winamp (Any Version)
First, things First your speed has to be at least 256/64 kbps (which means Dial-up users, will have alot of latency, just dnt bother)
Second, your going to have to have a domain, an updated one with the current i.p active. (Could be anything e.g. My sig)

Now, Your gonna have to download the Shoutcast Files.

Go to to get the files.

Ok After downloading these, installing Both of them in any order i dnt care. Go to START>PROGRAM FILES>SHOUTcast DNAS>EDIT SHOUTCAST DNS CONFIG.

Ok your gonna have to Configure it:
Go Down and where it says password: change (that means your gonna have to change it to whatever, make sure u remember)
The Portbase: change it to whatever port you want it
Maxusers: (lets be realistic here, dnt put in 10000, like NXS's radio station) your bandwidth has to be extremely good, if your cable, 50 user max is ok, ADSL should stay below 10 users, and T1 connections should do whatever tickles there fantasy.


Go to OUTPUT, and then click on Connection, Through the ADDRESS, type your address which you have done through, PORT NUMBER, whatever u did in the EDIT.txt, and your password.

Then go to Encoder, and choose your quality of your music. Go back to OUTPU>OUTPUT CONFIG> YELLOW PAGES. this is your advertisemant information. dow hatever you like there.

Now Connect. to check that your Radio os on-line go to http://(your address that you added in the prefrence)

get the music you want to hear

Found out a really cool way to get cool music without p2p progs or HTTP/FTP sites.Best thing of all:NO QUEUES,NO PASSWORDS...
Here it is:
1.Get Yahoo Messenger [BETA] here:

2.Wait for it to download,then run it and let it download another 5 MB or so.
3.Get FairStar MP3 Recorder here:

After testing Total Recorder and another prog,the FairStar product is the best RECORDING MP3s from a source,in our case the INTERNET RADIO.
4.Fire up LAUNCHcastRadion in Yahoo Messenger [BETA] and choose a station or a genre.
5.Start up FairStart MP3 Recorder,go to Record Options and CHECK autosetting,go to Encoder-MP3 and UN-CHECK enable VBR and choose 128 or 192 KBs.Also make sure you choose your OUTPUT folder and you're done.
6.Hit record or whatever and awaaaaaay you go.
More soon...

Delete An "undeletable" File

Delete An "undeletable" File

Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.
Close all open programs.
Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE
Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.
Leave Task Manager open.
Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.
At the command prompt type DEL where is the file you wish to delete.
Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.
Close Task Manager.

Or you can try this

Open Notepad.exe

Click File>Save As..>

locate the folder where ur undeletable file is

Choose 'All files' from the file type box

click once on the file u wanna delete so its name appears in the 'filename' box

put a " at the start and end of the filename
(the filename should have the extension of the undeletable file so it will overwrite it)

click save,

It should ask u to overwrite the existing file, choose yes and u can delete it as normal

Here's a manual way of doing it. I'll take this off once you put into your first post zain.

1. Start
2. Run
3. Type: command
4. To move into a directory type: cd c:\*** (The stars stand for your folder)
5. If you cannot access the folder because it has spaces for example Program Files or Kazaa Lite folder you have to do the following. instead of typing in the full folder name only take the first 6 letters then put a ~ and then 1 without spaces. Example: cd c:\progra~1\kazaal~1
6. Once your in the folder the non-deletable file it in type in dir - a list will come up with everything inside.
7. Now to delete the file type in del ***.bmp, txt, jpg, avi, etc... And if the file name has spaces you would use the special 1st 6 letters followed by a ~ and a 1 rule. Example: if your file name was bad file.bmp you would type once in the specific folder thorugh command, del badfil~1.bmp and your file should be gone. Make sure to type in the correct extension.

Cracking Zip Password Files

Cracking Zip Password Files

Tut On Cracking Zip Password Files..

What is FZC? FZC is a program that cracks zip files (zip is a method of compressing multiple files into one smaller file) that are password-protected (which means you're gonna need a password to open the zip file and extract files out of it). You can get it anywhere - just use a search engine such as

FZC uses multiple methods of cracking - bruteforce (guessing passwords systematically until the program gets it) or wordlist attacks (otherwise known as dictionary attacks. Instead of just guessing passwords systematically, the program takes passwords out of a "wordlist", which is a text file that contains possible passwords. You can get lots of wordlists at

FZC can be used in order to achieve two different goals: you can either use it to recover a lost zip password which you used to remember but somehow forgot, or to crack zip passwords which you're not supposed to have. So like every tool, this one can be used for good and for evil.

The first thing I want to say is that reading this tutorial... is the easy way to learn how to use this program, but after reading this part of how to use the FZC you should go and check the texts that come with that program and read them all. You are also going to see the phrase "check name.txt" often in this text. These files should be in FZC's directory. They contain more information about FZC.

FZC is a good password recovery tool, because it's very fast and also support resuming so you don't have to keep the computer turned on until you get the password, like it used to be some years ago with older cracking programs. You would probably always get the password unless the password is longer than 32 chars (a char is a character, which can be anything - a number, a lowercase or undercase letter or a symbol such as ! or &) because 32 chars is the maximum value that FZC will accept, but it doesn't really matter, because in order to bruteforce a password with 32 chars you'll need to be at least immortal..heehhe.. to see the time that FZC takes with bruteforce just open the Bforce.txt file, which contains such information.

FZC supports brute-force attacks, as well as wordlist attacks. While brute-force attacks don't require you to have anything, wordlist attacks require you to have wordlists, which you can get from There are wordlists in various languages, various topics or just miscellaneous wordlists. The bigger the wordlist is, the more chances you have to crack the password.

Now that you have a good wordlist, just get FZC working on the locked zip file, grab a drink, lie down and wait... and wait... and wait...and have good thoughts like "In wordlist mode I'm gonna get the password in minutes" or something like this... you start doing all this and remember "Hey this guy started with all this bullshit and didn't say how I can start a wordlist attack!..." So please wait just a little more, read this tutorial 'till the end and you can do all this "bullshit".

We need to keep in mind that are some people might choose some really weird passwords (for example: 'e8t7@$^%*gfh), which are harder to crack and are certainly impossible to crack (unless you have some weird wordlist). If you have a bad luck and you got such a file, having a 200MB list won't help you anymore. Instead, you'll have to use a different type of attack. If you are a person that gives up at the first sign of failure, stop being like that or you won't get anywhere. What you need to do in such a situation is to put aside your sweet xxx MB's list and start using the Brute Force attack.

If you have some sort of a really fast and new computer and you're afraid that you won't be able to use your computer's power to the fullest because the zip cracker doesn't support this kind of technology, it's your lucky day! FZC has multiple settings for all sorts of hardware, and will automatically select the best method.

Now that we've gone through all the theoretical stuff, let's get to the actual commands.




The command line you'll need to use for using brute force is:

fzc -mb -lChr Lenght -cType of chars

Now if you read the bforce.txt that comes with fzc you'll find the description of how works Chr Lenght and the Type of chars, but hey, I'm gonna explain this too. Why not, right?... (but remember look at the bforce.txt too)

For Chr Lenght you can use 4 kind of switches...

-> You can use range -> 4-6 :it would brute force from 4 Chr passwors to 6 chr passwords

-> You can use just one lenght -> 5 :it would just brute force using passwords with 5 chars

-> You can use also the all number -> 0 :it would start brute forcing from passwords with lenght 0 to lenght 32, even if you are crazy i don't think that you would do this.... if you are thinking in doing this get a live...

-> You can use the + sign with a number -> 3+ :in this case it would brute force from passwords with lenght 3 to passwords with 32 chars of lenght, almost like the last option...

For the Type of chars we have 5 switches they are:

-> a for using lowercase letters

-> A for using uppercase letters

-> ! for using simbols (check the Bforce.txt if you want to see what simbols)

-> s for using space

-> 1 for using numbers


If you want to find a password with lowercase and numbers by brute force you would just do something like:

fzc -mb -l4-7 -ca1

This would try all combinations from passwords with 4 chars of lenght till 7 chars, but just using numbers and lowercase.




You should never start the first brute force attack to a file using all the chars switches, first just try lowercase, then uppercase, then uppercase with number then lowercase with numbers, just do like this because you can get lucky and find the password much faster, if this doesn't work just prepare your brain and start with a brute force that would take a lot of time. With a combination like lowercase, uppercase, special chars and numbers.




Like I said in the bottom and like you should be thinking now, the wordlist is the most powerfull mode in this program. Using this mode, you can choose between 3 modes, where each one do some changes to the text that is in the wordlist, I'm not going to say what each mode does to the words, for knowing that just check the file wlist.txt, the only thing I'm going to tell you is that the best mode to get passwords is mode 3, but it takes longer time too.

To start a wordlist attak you'll do something like.

fzc -mwMode number -nwWordlist


Mode number is 1, 2 or 3 just check wlist.txt to see the changes in each mode. is the filename and Wordlist is the name of the wordlist that you want to use. Remember that if the file or the wordlist isn't in the same directory of FZC you'll need to give the all path.

You can add other switches to that line like -fLine where you define in which line will FZC start reading, and the -lChar Length where it will just be read the words in that char length, the switche works like in bruteforce mode.

So if you something like

fzc -mw1 -nwMywordlist.txt -f50 -l9+

FZC would just start reading at line 50 and would just read with length >= to 9.


If you want to crack a file called using the "theargonlistserver1.txt" wordlist, selecting mode 3, and you wanted FZC to start reading at line 50 you would do:

fzc -mw3 -nwtheargonlistserver1.txt -f50




Other good feature in FZC is that FZC supports resuming. If you need to shutdown your computer and FZC is running you just need to press the ESC key, and fzc will stop. Now if you are using a brute force attack the current status will be saved in a file called resume.fzc but if you are using a wordlist it will say to you in what line it ended (you can find the line in the file fzc.log too).

To resume the bruteforce attack you just need to do:

fzc -mr

And the bruteforce attack will start from the place where it stopped when you pressed the ESC key.

But if you want to resume a wordlist attack you'll need to start a new wordlist attack, saying where it's gonna start. So if you ended the attack to the in line 100 using wordlist.txt in mode 3 to resume you'll type

fzc -mw3 -nwwordlist.txt -f100

Doing this FZC would start in line 100, since the others 99 lines where already checked in an earlier FZC session.

Well, it looks like I covered most of what you need to know. I certainly hope it helped you... don't forget to read the files that come with the program

Basic UNIX Overview

A Basic UNIX Overview



One of the most common operating systems in existance is Unix. Unix

exists in many different flavors, from Berkeley BSD to AT&T System V

to SunOs. Basic working knowledge of Unix is almost essential to a

hacker, as it is the system a hacker is most likely to come across.

If you intend to use the internet at all, or to do any serious

exploration of Telenet, the ability to navigate through Unix is a

necessity. (Unix is also the single most interesting system in

existance: it's just fun to fuck with).

Unix Logins


Most Unix logins look essentially the same. A general Unix login

prompt looks something like this:

connected to


That first line is the system identifier. Although it's not at all

essential to what you are doing, it's good to know what system you are

attempting to log on to.

The second line is what typically identifies the system you are on as

Unix. Almost all Unix systems greet a user with the same prompt:


Well, there's not much to do in Unix from the outside, and Unix

systems are typically fairly secure at this point. You may be able to

obtain a list of users, or current users, by logging in as 'who', but

other than that there are few functions available here.

Unless you are on the internet, or have accounts specifically for the

specific machine you are on, the only way on to the system is to try

the default passwords. What are the default passwords?

Unix systems come installed with certain passwords automatically. In

addition, some accounts must exist on a system. One such account is

'root'. This user is the divine Kami of the Unix system... in short,

an all access pass. Unfortunately, few systems allow root logins

remotely, and even fewer leave 'root' unpassworded. Nevertheless, it's

always worth a shot... try this:

connected to

login: root

password: root

invalid login


well, nice try anyways... other possible passwords for root include

'sysadmin', 'sys', 'admin'... you get the idea. You may also want to

try these passwords with a single digit appended (added, idiot) to

them... meaning the password 'root' could be 'root1' or 'root2'.

An interesting tip about passwords in general... many people that use

passwords under 8 characters tend to add a digit or a non-alphanumeric

character to the password. This is done in order to hinder guessing,

and to stop password breakers (more on this later). In this case, you

may want to try adding a space before root... or even an ascii 255 to

the end.

Fortunately, there is more than one default password in a unix

system... a quick list:

sys sys

bin bin

daemon daemon

rje rje

setup setup

uucp uucp/nuucp/anonymous

nuucp uucp/nuucp/anonymous

mountfsys mountfsys

In the System


Ok, at this point, I'm going to assume you've gotten past the login...

as painful as that may sound. Although Unix may be secure from the

outside, without effort from the system administrators, the inside of

the system is not.

First off, you'll likely by asked for a terminal. vt100 serves your

purposes sufficently, and it's typically the default, so hit enter.

Now, hopefully, you have a prompt. There are many different types of

unix prompts, some of which contain current directory information,

some of which are just a single character. Just don't panic when my

examples don't look exactly like what you've got on your screen.

The first thing you *need* to do on the system is establish your tty

paramters. As eldritch and arcane sounding as this term may seem, it's

actually quite simple... you need to tell the system what keys are

going to do what.

The command to set these parameters is 'stty'. Watch:

squinkyB ] stty erase ^h

squinkyB ]

There... that wasn't so bad, was it? Well, it's also pretty

meaningless to you, unless you have the ascii table memorized and are

pretty good at on-the-spot deduction.

The tty erase parameters determines which key is to be used as a

backspace. At times, this may already be set when you log in, or it

may be set to a suitable alternate (such as delete). Most of the time

the system will tell you when you log on if this is so. In this case,

we've entered ^h in order to make the backspace key, appropriately

enough, backspace.

Another extremely important parameter is 'intr'. The 'intr' paramter

tells the Unix system what you intend to use as a break character...

you should have this set to ^c.

Getting Around


A good thing to remember about Unix is that it's alot like DOS. Files

are laid out in directories just as in DOS... in fact, the only

immediate difference in the directory structures is that Unix uses a

forward slash ("/", moron!) instead of a backwards one.

Also, the basic Unix directory navigation command is identical to DOS.

In order to change directories, you use the command 'chdir', or 'cd'.

A quick example:

1 /usr1/astoria ] cd ..

2 /usr ]

Wala. That simple. Quick notes:

ÑŽ cd / will take you to root.

ÑŽ cd /*pathname* will take you to *pathname*

ÑŽ cd home will take you to your home directory.

You can make and delete your own directories with the mkdir/rmdir

commands. Simply put, mkdir makes a subdirectory off of the current

directory, and rmdir removes a subdirectory from the current

subdirectory. Good to know if you plan to do a lot of file transfers.

An important note about Unix directories, files, and concepts:

Unix is a case-sensitive operating system. Thus, the files

ÑŽ Spleen

ÑŽ spleen



are all different. This rule applies to directories and command line

paramters, as well as most other Unix ideas.

Another nice thing to know about Unix: Unix files are not subject to

the normal DOS 8 character limit. Thus, you can have vast filenames,

such as "this_file_ate_my_biscuit".

Some other important commands


First and foremost, you should know cp. cp is the basic Unix

equivalent of the DOS COPY command. The command line for cp is

identical to that of COPY.

Next on the scale of cosmic import is cat. cat is the Unix equivalent

of the DOS TYPE command, and once again, for simple file displaying,

the command line is identical.

Variations on the theme:

pg: displayes a file page by page. Type "pg x filename", where x is a

number of lines to display before pausing and filename is the

file you wish to display.

more: displays a file screen by screen.

Stupid pet trick:

You can use your cat to copy files, simply by using the directional

operators. To copy a file from here to there using cat, simply type:

% cat here

this is the file here

% cat there

this is the file there

% cat here > there

% cat there

this is the file here

The operator ">" simply takes the output from the cat command and

places is in the location specified after it.

Another vital command to know is 'rm'. rm deletes a file from the

system, in the same way DEL would on a DOS system. Not to much else to


Critical in your navigation of a Unix system is the ls command. ls is

DOS DIR on heroin. Simply type ls and you get a nice, neat list of

files in the directory.

DIR on controlled substances:

There are a few command line parameters that you should know...

foremost is l. ls -l gets you a list of files, and valuable

information about each file, including permissions (more on that

later), size, and linked files.

Another useful command for long file lists is C. ls -C gets you a

list of files in multiple columns, much the same as DIR /W would

merit a double column report of all existing files. A quick reminder:

ls -C is NOT the same as ls -c. Unix = case sensitive.

Another good command to know, mv will move a file from directory to

directory. For those of you without DOS 6.0 , mv simply copies a

file to another directory and deletes the original.

quick tip for files on the lam:

if you want to rename a file (to protect the innocent), you need to

mv a file to a different file name. A quick demo:

# ls


# cat myfile

this is my file

# mv myfile my_other_file

# ls


# cat my_other_file

this is my file

Another vastly important command is 'man'. In fact, man is probably

one of the most important commands extant for a beginning user... it

calls up the system's help files. To use man, simply type in 'man

command', where command is a Unix command you seek to gain

enlightenment regarding. It's a great way to gain an understanding of

Unix commandline parameters.

If you are interested in seeing who's been on of late, or just want a

few names to try to hack, type 'who'. You get a quick list of users

that have accessed the system lately. If you need to know

who you are at this point, type 'whoami'.

If you want to change your identity on the system, type 'su name'

where name is an account on the system. It'll ask you for the account

password, then, *presto*... instant transmogrification.

A Caveat for smart alec hackers:

Unix typically logs usage of the su command. While su may seem like a

great opportunity to try to hack out passwords manually without

worrying about the system hanging up after 3 attempts, it's typically

not a good idea to do this, as it may alert the administrators to

your presence.

*Numero Uno on the list of commands NEVER to use on a Unix system:

The 'passwd' command changes your password on a Unix system. Seems

innocous enough, eh? Uh-uh. If your account is active, and there's a

very strong chance that it either is or will be, there is no better

way to lose the account than to change the password, only to have the

legitimate user alert the sysadmins when he/she can't gain access to

his/her normal account (well, there are better ways... you could

simply mail the sysadmin and tell him you are trying to hack his

grandmother's life support machine through your account).

I've seen this single, quick command turn a extremely lax system

into an ironclad security compound in less than a day.


*Numero Dos on that same list:

The 'mail' command reads and sends mail. So what? Well, unless your

account is stable (and it isn't unless you either paid for it or

killed the original owner in such a way that his body cannot claw it's

way out of it's grave to it's keyboard), the user is more likely than

not going to know if you read his mail. In addition, if you send mail

out of the system (type 'mail', and a username/address; type in your

message and end it with a ^d on it's own line), the response from your

message will likewise alert the user to your presence.

System Spelunking


The first place you want to check out in the wild uncharted directory

tree of your friendly neighborhood Unix system is the "/etc"

directory. What's in it? The single most intensely important file on

the system (besides a world writable root owned SUID file... but don't

worry about that)... the passwd file.

What is in the passwd file?

ÑŽ a list of all accounts on the system

ÑŽ a list of the passwords for these accounts

ÑŽ a list of access levels for these accounts

ÑŽ a list of the home directories for these accounts

ÑŽ a list of information pertaining to these accounts.

Why the hell the Unix designers decided this file should be world

readable is beyond me. Be content to know that your standard everyday

run-of-the-mill-lacking-in-certified-cosmic-power 'cat' command WILL

display this file. As will pg and more. However, because most users

don't have write permissions (more on that later) to the /etc

directory, 'cat' is pretty much the only applicable command here.

However, if you need to copy the file to your own directory (for

whatever reason), just cat it there with the directional operator (>).

The catch:

Well, there are two catches here. First off, regardless of system

security, if the passwords are in the file, they are encrypted. You

can't decrypt them. Although you can get a list of accounts without

passwords this way (just look for accounts with no entry in the

password field), and a list of accounts that can't be logged onto

remotely/at all (NO LOGIN), you can't get much else. Sucks, don't it?

Notice I said 'if' the passwords are there.

Some horrible, paranoid, draconian system administrators mutilate

their passwd files in such a way that (*gasp*) the passwords don't

show up. All you get is one cold, icy X staring at you from the bowels

of Unix Shell Siberia, mocking you as you pull your hair out in

frustration (sorry, but this is a sore spot with me). The kidnapped

passwords reside in the shadow file in the /etc directory, available

with your standard everyday run-of-the-mill-but-distinct-in-the-fact-

that-only-root-level-accounts-can-use-it-to-this-extent 'cat' command.

Well, if the passwords are encrypted, what good are they?

By themselves, nothing. A account with a Unix encrypted password will

get you no further than an account with no listed password at all. You

can't even deduce the amount of characters in the password if it's

encrypted. So what's the use?

The Unix method of encrypting files is available to the public. It is

also, to most mortals, irreversable. Essentially, this means you can

encrypt a string of characters, but not decrypt it. Even the unix

system itself doesn't decrypt the password when you log on...

When you log on, the Unix system takes whatever you enter at the

password prompt, encrypts it, and matches it to the entry in the

passwd file. Thus, the Unix system never decrypts the password... it

only compares it to a different encrypted string.

While this may not sound too particularly useful at first, it is.

There are programs that have been written to do the same thing on a

personal computer... you supply it a list of passwords and a list of

words to attempt to use as passwords (called dictionaries), and it

spends the night encrypting dictionaries and matching them to password

entries. By running a dictionary through a passwd file, on a typical

system, you can usually get 10-20 accounts. Good personal computer

examples of this program idea include Killer Cracker (the industry

standard, so to speak) and CrackerJack (faster than Killer Cracker).

Quick tips for CrackerJunkies with leech access at an H/P BBS:

A standard dictionary will not uncover passwords protected with an

appended digit or non-alphanumeric character. In order to get around

this, you need only grab a program that processes the dictionary file

to add that digit to each entry in the dictionary... although this

takes longer, and you'll need to do it multiple times, you can

typically get 10 more accounts just by adding a 1 to every entry.

Files and directories in Unix are characterized further by their

permissions. Permissions are a standard system of who gets access to a

specific function of that file or directory. Standard permissions

include read, write, and execute. You can get a list of permissions by

typing 'ls -l'. The first field in the listing contains the

permissions, grouped as follows:

owner group world


rwx rwx rwx

(Not drawn to scale... in fact, it doesn't look anything like that).

Essentially, as long as the letter is there, you have access to that

facet of the file. If the letter is not there, you'll see a dash...

meaning you don't have access to that function. An example:


In this case, the owner of the file can Read the file, Write to the

file, and eXecute the file; members of his group (a bunch of linked

accounts) can Read the file, CANNOT Write to the file, and can eXecute

the file; and the rest of the user population CANNOT Read or Write to

the file, but CAN eXecute the file.



simply means that anyone can read, write, or execute the file.

Another permission sometimes set to a file is the SUID bit. An SUID

file contains a smallcase s in the user executable section of the

permissions list...


When you execute an SUID file, your user ID becomes that of the owner

of the file. While this may not look to important at first, by now you

should know that no really important super elite hacker concept does.

Take a look at this:


Synopsis? It's a world executable SUID file. In essence, anyone can

execute the file, and in doing so, become the owner of the file for

the duration of the time that file is operating. However, this doesn't

get you much, because you typically can't do anything while the

programis running. More likely than not, it's calculating how many

pencils it needs to order for school tomorrow or some other such


The real power of the SUID file comes into play in this situation:


You won't see a lot of these, but when you do, look out. What you have

here is a world writable SUID file... and a world writable program can

be any program on the system you have read access to. Like, say,

/bin/sh... the Unix shell...

Quick command line example... 'diablo' is a root owned, world writable

SUID file. I'm going to ignore the rest of the output of the ls


#ls -l

rwsrwxrwx... ...diablo

#cat /bin/sh > diablo



Oh, just so you know, the $ prompt denotes root access.

Good deal, huh? In general, if you have right privs to an SUID file,

copy it to your own directory and cat /bin/sh into it. You now have an

instant gateway to the account of the owner of that file.

If you want to find files that you can do this with, try this out:

#find / -user root -perm -4000 -exec /bin/ls -al {} ";"

This will give you a list of all root owned SUID files. If you want

more info on the 'find' command, just 'man find'.

Well, I'm overdo for an appointment on the IRC in #warez... so I'll

cut off here. I hope I've been of assistance to you.


A C T U A L A R T I C L E E N D S H E R E . . .

Please feel free to save an extra 1k of file space and invoke the DOS

EDIT CUT command at the dotted line. Do not remove the rest of this

article on penalty of law.


Greets go out to Nowhere Man, INC, THG, UNT, SaD, SoD, PTA, SOB

Thanks to... ________________________

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Head Person That Knows More Than Asriel (Honorary Title): LVX

Head Person That Actually Wrote for DWE without Coercion: Cosmos

Head Know-It-All Stoner that runs 386bsd: Goldstein

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released as a s00per c00l DWE article.

